
What Gmail and Yahoo changes in 2024 mean for your email marketing

Adebukola Ajayi
January 11, 2024

2024 isn't just a new year on the calendar - it brings significant changes to email, especially if your business sends lots of emails, be it for transactions or marketing. The spotlight is on the upcoming email rules from Gmail and Yahoo Mail, set to roll out in February 2024.

These rules are designed to shield inboxes from spam and unwanted emails by adding a few extra steps for senders before they hit 'send'. The good news? Most of these requirements aren't entirely new; they're already standard practices for many marketers. So, if you've been doing your email marketing right, you're likely in good shape!

However, if you're unsure whether you're following these rules correctly, don't stress. We've put together this guide to help you grasp everything you need to know and make sure you're taking the right steps. 

What's the scoop on the Gmail and Yahoo Mail updates?

Gmail and Yahoo Mail's upcoming changes could impact whether your emails make it to their users. Let's break down the key focus areas:

  • Authentication: Senders now need to set up SPF, DKIM, and DMARC authentication for their emails.
  • Unsubscribes: A one-click unsubscribe option in email headers is a must. Additionally, senders need to process unsubscribe requests within two days to make it easy for recipients to opt-out.
  • Spam Complaints:  Keep the spam complaint rate low, ideally below 0.3%, to prevent frequent reports of your emails as spam.

These changes are particularly relevant for senders dealing with more than 5,000 Gmail and Yahoo addresses daily. However, since some Gmail users may not have " @gmail" or " @googlemail" in their addresses, especially if they use Google Workspace, it can be tricky to identify Gmail users. 

So, it's wise to adhere to these rules if you have a substantial subscriber list, regardless of the email address types. This ensures your emails stand the best chance of reaching their intended audience.

How can you get ready for this?

Well, it's now up to email marketers to gear up. What adjustments should you make to ensure your emails continue landing in the inbox, and how do you put them into action? Let's dive into the specifics:

Step 1: Authenticate your emails.

For people who frequently send emails, grasping the idea of email authentication is crucial. Email authentication entails adopting various security measures to assure platforms like Gmail and Yahoo Mail that the emails reaching users' inboxes truly originate from the sources they purport to represent—namely, you!

This not only bolsters email security but also boosts the likelihood of your emails appearing in the inbox rather than getting flagged as spam. 

Please note that if you are a Simpu user who has recently authenticated their domains, you do not need to follow this step again.

  1. Sender policy framework (SPF): 

SPF serves as a roster of authorized senders for your domain (e.g., It informs the inbound email servers of recipients (such as those of Gmail and Yahoo Mail) about the outbound servers permitted to send emails on your behalf, thereby reducing the likelihood of your emails being flagged as dubious.

To illustrate, if you're using an Email Service Provider (ESP) like Simpu to send emails, you should include Simpu's servers in your list of approved senders.

  1. DomainKeys identified mail (DKIM): 

DKIM is a method that uses cryptographic signatures to verify the authenticity of your emails. It involves adding a digital signature to your outgoing emails, allowing recipients' email servers (like Gmail and Yahoo Mail) to confirm that the email hasn't been altered during transit and was sent from your domain.

For instance, if you use a service like Simpu to send emails, you would integrate DKIM by configuring your domain's DNS records to include Simpu's cryptographic keys. This ensures that recipients can trust the integrity of your emails.

  • Domain-based message authentication, reporting, and conformance (DMARC): 

DMARC stands out as the most robust form of email authentication. It provides guidelines to servers of Gmail and Yahoo Mail on handling emails that don't pass SPF and DKIM checks – deciding whether to reject them outright or place them in the spam folder.

To activate this, you must publish a DMARC record for your domain. This step ensures your genuine emails reach their intended recipients while safeguarding against impersonation attempts (someone pretending to be you).

Additionally, it's crucial to avoid using email addresses from Gmail or Yahoo Mail domains (like or for sending bulk emails, as these may end up in the spam folder.

If you need personalized assistance, don't hesitate to contact us and delve into the best practices for Gmail here. Simpu users seeking support can also drop us a message for assistance.

Step 2: Make it easy for your recipients to unsubscribe.

Offering a simple way for contacts to opt-out has always been essential. Sending messages to users who aren't interested negatively affects your engagement metrics and spam rates, harming your overall reputation and marketing endeavors.

Moving forward, unsubscribe links become even more critical. Starting in 2024, both Gmail and Yahoo will mandate senders to facilitate a one-click process for users to unsubscribe. This means no more confirming emails or updating subscription preferences with feedback. Senders will be required to implement unsubscribe requests within two days.

  • Enable one-click unsubscribes.

This involves incorporating an unsubscribe link in your email header. This allows recipients to unsubscribe with a single click. While certain email marketing platforms may automatically insert these links, others may necessitate manual addition (you can find instructions from Google on how to do this here.

  • Handle unsubscribe requests within 2 days.

While existing CAN-SPAM regulations permit up to 10 days for processing unsubscribe requests (and GDPR allows an even lengthier 30 days), Gmail is now enforcing a maximum processing time of 2 days.

This implies that Email Service Providers (ESPs) need to update their suppression lists within a shorter timeframe, although many already do this automatically. If you're manually managing unsubscribes (for instance, through your list-unsubscribe header), you'll also have a limited window to complete this process.

Step 3: Maintain spam complaint rates under 0.3%

Spam complaint rates indicate the proportion of recipients who marked your email as spam or unwanted.

The recent alterations by Gmail and Yahoo Mail will impose penalties on those exceeding a 0.3% spam rate. This can adversely affect your sender's reputation and deliverability, leading to your emails being diverted to recipients' spam folders or, in severe cases, being blocked.

Keep in mind that, unlike Yahoo, Gmail doesn't offer conventional feedback loops. Therefore, it's essential to register with Google Postmasters Tools to keep track of your spam rates.

Gmail and Yahoo Mail changes: Conclusion

These changes are implemented to ensure that your emails are not only secure but also reach the inboxes of individuals genuinely interested in hearing from you. Ultimately, these changes are beneficial for both you and your subscribers.

Most of these modifications simply strengthen the positive email marketing practices you are probably already adhering to. It revolves around promoting transparency, enhancing security, and delivering content that connects with your audience.

Adebukola Ajayi

Growth Associate, Simpu
I am a writer who loves to watch modern family and friends during my free time.

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