Short Reads

What is customer happiness and 11 best ways to boost it?

Ufuoma Uvomata
August 28, 2023

What is customer happiness?  

Most businesses strive to stand out and there's one thing that sets the winners apart: customer happiness. Businesses that prioritize making customers happy experience a revenue increase of 4-8% compared to others in their industries.

Picture a business world where every customer interaction isn't just about the deal – it's a chance to sprinkle a little happiness.

We're not talking about giving out balloons with every purchase (although that could be fun).

We’re talking about going beyond products and services and practicing the art of leaving customers not just satisfied, but genuinely delighted. Knowing how to make your customers happy is key to achieving a high customer retention rate.

In this article, we'll show you why you should be a huge people pleaser in business and 11 simple ways to do it.

Customer happiness vs. customer satisfaction 

In business, there are two ideas that matter a lot: customer happiness and customer satisfaction. They might seem alike, but they're different in ways that can change how you do business.

Customer satisfaction is when customers get what they expect. For example, if they order a pizza and it tastes just like they thought it would, they'll be satisfied. It's like checking off a box on a to-do list – the job is done, and customers aren't upset.

Customer happiness is deeper than satisfaction. It's when a happy customer express how good they feel about their experience. It's like when you order that pizza, and not only does it taste great, but the delivery person is friendly and the whole process is easy and pleasant. It's an emotional connection that goes beyond just getting what they want.

The big difference…..

Satisfaction is completing a task, while happiness is building a relationship. Satisfaction focuses on a single event, like getting the pizza. Happiness is about the whole experience, from start to finish. It's not just about buying something; it's about feeling good while doing it.

Keeping customers satisfied might make them come back, but they can also leave for a better deal. Happy customers are different. They like the brand, they trust it, and they stick around even when there are other options.

Both customer happiness and satisfaction are essential. You want to keep customers happy with each purchase, but you also want them to have a great overall experience. When you balance these two things, you build a strong relationship with your customers, and that's what really makes a business successful.

11 ways to boost customer happiness

When it comes to business, the real goal is to establish a strong and lasting connection that keeps customers genuinely happy. The ideal situation is to foster a community of happy customers.

If you're wondering how to achieve this, here are 11 proven methods that will boost customer happiness:

1. Know your customers

Understanding your customers on a personal level goes a long way. It’s more than just knowing their demographic details; you need to understand their preferences, values, and expectations.

When you know them inside out, you can speak their language, relate to their needs, and create a consistent brand experience. You can tailor your interactions to resonate with them, making them feel understood and valued. 

For instance, if your brand caters to health-conscious individuals, using language that resonates with their lifestyle can enhance their connection with your business.

Furthermore, there exists a multitude of tools designed to enhance your ability to manage customer data effectively. Embracing CRM solutions enables superior organization of customer information, encompassing their purchase records and interactions with support representatives. 

This equips you with an understanding of their requirements and the means to fulfill them adeptly.

2. Empower customers to share their thoughts

Customers want to feel like their opinions matter. Give them channels to voice their suggestions, concerns, and even compliments.

Surveys after purchase, feedback forms on your website, or a direct email for inquiries are all great ways to encourage this.

Listening to their input demonstrates that their voice holds weight in shaping your products and services. When they see their feedback is valued and acted upon, they feel a sense of ownership and satisfaction.

No set of customer engagements can be considered comprehensive without actively soliciting and gathering customer feedback. This invaluable input provides deep insights into customer perceptions of the service they have experienced and their sentiments towards the offered products or services. 

It is of paramount importance to foster a desire among customers to openly share their insights regarding the quality of service delivered.

3. Personalize the experience

Think about when you walk into your favorite local store and the owner remembers your name and preferences. Online interactions can have that personal touch too.

Use data from past purchases or interactions to tailor recommendations, special offers, or even birthday greetings. This kind of personalization shows that you see them as an individual, not just a number.

Check out how to personalize your email marketing campaigns here.

4. Prioritize quick response times

In a world where time is precious, fast responses matter. Imagine sending a message and waiting days for a reply. You’ll either get frustrated or lose interest.

Whether it's a question on social media or a complaint through email, responding swiftly demonstrates that their concerns and satisfaction are a top priority. It also shows respect for their time and needs.

Allocating resources to customer service tools equipped with a shared inbox can significantly enhance the streamlined management of customer interactions across social media, live chat, and email platforms. 

This shared inbox functionality facilitates the automation of message influx among support agents, ensuring an equitable distribution of conversations as they are received.

You can use a customer satisfaction tool like Simpu to manage your communication channels and make sure your customers always receive a fast response. 

5. Provide clear instructions 

Imagine buying a complex gadget with no instructions. Unless it's from Apple, you’ll be very confused. Even though Apple doesn’t provide a manual, they provide all the information users may need to operate their products online.

Make sure your customers have all the information they need. Clear instructions, comprehensive product details, and user-friendly guides help customers feel confident in their purchases and interactions.

For founders who run a SaaS business model, it's understood that individually guiding every new customer through product usage is unfeasible. This realization prompts numerous companies to allocate resources towards implementing a knowledge base or employing email marketing tools, which effectively aid customers in grasping the intricacies of product initiation.

This strategy ensures that customers encountering particular challenges can readily engage the support team if assistance from the knowledge base proves insufficient.

6. Listen actively

Engaging in active listening involves immersing yourself fully when customers express their experiences or concerns. Instead of merely glossing over their words or attempting to counter their points, make a deliberate effort to delve deeper. 

Grasp not only the factual content but also the underlying emotions, desires, and circumstances they are communicating. This depth of understanding enables you to fashion a response that is truly attuned to their situation, thus conveying genuine empathy and concern.

For instance, if a customer voices frustration about product setup hurdles, your response should not only offer clear and concise steps to resolve the issue but also acknowledge the specific challenge they're facing. 

This not only guides them toward a solution but also affirms that their difficulty is acknowledged and respected.

Stuck on a response? Here are 20 customer support response templates for your team.

7. Handle complaints with courtesy

Customer grievances present valuable openings to demonstrate your unwavering dedication to ensuring customer contentment. Regard these instances as golden prospects to not only address concerns but also to effectuate a positive turnaround.

In your response, exude genuine respect, shoulder the responsibility, validate their emotions, and offer a resolution. Approaching complaints with due seriousness holds the potential to transform dissatisfied patrons into steadfast advocates of your brand.

For instance, consider a scenario where a customer receives a damaged product. Begin by extending a sincere apology, followed by proposing a replacement product. 

To further show your commitment to their satisfaction, consider offering a discount on their subsequent purchase—a gesture that echoes goodwill and affirms your resolve to rectify any shortcomings.

Read 5 alternatives to 'sorry for the inconvenience' and AI-generated templates for different industries

8. Make every customer feel important

Regardless of the scale of their purchase, uphold the principle that every customer warrants genuine regard. Whether their acquisition involves a minor accessory or a substantial investment, consistently extend an unwavering degree of attentiveness and appreciation. 

This unwavering commitment to personalized care underscores the pivotal role each customer interaction plays in shaping a reputation founded on positivity and customer satisfaction.

9. Make returns and exchanges easy

Returns and exchanges are part of the shopping journey. Make this process hassle-free with clear return policies, simple steps, and responsive customer service.

For example, if a customer wants to return clothing due to sizing issues, guide them through the process, and ensure a smooth experience. A hassle-free experience here shows that you prioritize their convenience and satisfaction. 

10. Offer a rewards program

Make it a top priority to cultivate enduring connections with your customer base. In recognition of their loyalty, it's worthwhile to contemplate implementing loyalty programs that infuse an aura of unexpected joy and satisfaction. 

Within these programs, customers accumulate points with each transaction, a currency that can be subsequently exchanged for enticing rewards such as discounts or complimentary items.

For instance, if a customer amasses a sufficient number of points, they might enjoy a substantial markdown on their upcoming purchase. 

For example, Simpu currently extends a generous 14-day free trial, affording customers the chance to thoroughly test the product prior to full-fledged utilization.

This strategic gesture not only fosters the prospect of repeat business but also serves as a poignant gesture, underscoring the profound appreciation held for the sustained support offered by customers.

11. Thank customers for their business

The profound impact of a sincere expression of gratitude should never be underestimated. 

Whether conveyed via a personalized email, a handwritten note accompanying a purchase, or a dedicated thank-you page following a transaction, this act of appreciation resonates deeply with customers, fostering a sense of recognition and esteem. 

Though seemingly modest, this gesture wields remarkable influence by reinforcing the notion that their patronage is valued and meticulously acknowledged.

In the business world, where strategies evolve and trends come and go, one constant remains – the significance of customer happiness. We've explored customer happiness and satisfaction, learning how to create strong connections that extend beyond mere transactions.

Remember, it's not only about meeting needs. It's about making people happy and building strong bonds. By prioritizing the 11 simple ways to boost customer happiness, you're not just growing your business; you're shaping experiences, emotions, and memories.

So, as you navigate your business, remember that every interaction is an opportunity to make a customer's day a little brighter. Whether it's a swift response, a personalized touch, or a simple thank-you, these small actions collectively contribute to customer happiness.

Read: What is a shared inbox and why should your team use one?

Ufuoma Uvomata

Content Writer
Ufuoma is a writer who creates website copy, SEO articles, scripts, blog posts, and short stories for companies in several industries. If you meet her, ask about her plants.

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